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Meet our Staff
95 Perry Street, Suite 403 - Buffalo, New York 14203 - (716) 856-6525
Executive Leadership
John Cappellino, President & CEO - ext. 118
Beth O'Keefe, Vice President, Operations - ext. 158
Mollie Profic, Chief Financial Officer - ext. 123
Business Development
Andrew Federick, Property and Business Development Officer - ext. 128
Grant Lesswing, Director of Business Development - ext. 138
Robbie-Ann McPherson, Director, Marketing & Communications, FOIL Officer - ext. 125
Lori A. Szewczyk, Director of Grants - ext. 126
Soma Hawramee, Compliance Portfolio Manager - ext. 500
Michelle Moore, Compliance Associate - ext 502
Gerald Manhard, Chief Lending Officer - ext. 129
Daryl Spulecki, Assistant Loan Manager - ext. 127
Project Development
Talia Johnson-Huff, Project Manager - ext. 505
Brian Krygier, Director of Information Technology - ext. 501
Atiqa Abidi, Senior Accountant - ext. 122
Pat Smith, Bookkeeper - ext. 119
Laurie Hendrix, Administrative Coordinator- ext. 115
Carrie Hocieniec, Operations Assistant - ext. 136
Lynette Thompson, Receptionist - ext. 108